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We are a caring faith community of believers who welcome and encourage your participation in spiritual growth and our supporting ministries.
What's happening at North Northfield
United Methodist beliefs (this link leads to a page on our denomination's website)
We are located at the corner of Sanders and Dundee roads in Northbrook, Illinois.
Please join us for worship on Sundays at 10 a.m. Nursery care is available.
Our building is accessible for people with disabilities.
Welcome to North Northfield United Methodist Church, a historic church located in Northbrook, Illinois. We are a friendly congregation and we greet each visitor and member enthusiastically. North Northfield is a praying, singing, learning, loving and hugging congregation. The powerful preaching and the majestic music help proclaim the good news of the risen Christ. The missions of the church demonstrate our compassionate outreach to the community both locally and globally. The ministries of the church reflect our witness in the world as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Worship is held each Sunday at 10 a.m. Adult Christian Education classes are offered at 8:45 (except summer).
Childcare is available for infants and toddlers in the nursery.
The church building is located on the northeast corner of Sanders Road and Dundee Road. The parking lot, which is accessible from Sanders Road, is on the east side of the
church building and the primary entrance is also on the east side.
For those requiring assistance, there are large-print hymnals and Bibles available, as well as hearing devices and wheelchairs.
Please see one of the ushers or greeters if you need any assistance.
The Sacrament of
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and symbolizes the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the redemption of humanity.
Holy Communion is Christ's table, open to all who respond to Christ's love, regardless of age or church membership.
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated during the worship service on a Sunday that is most convenient for the family.
Because Baptism is the outward and visible sign of the grace of Jesus Christ, infants and adults can partake in this
Sacrament of the church.
We are looking forward to seeing you in worship here at North Northfield. It is our prayer that you will experience the presence of God and the power of the Holy Spirit in the worship and ministry of this church.
Sunday, 10 a.m., main sanctuary, church building.
Join us early at 9:45 a.m. for a brief time of praise and prayer before the start of the service.
New to North Northfield? We're glad you're here! More information is under the
Welcome section.
Sunday, 10 a.m. central time (-6 hours UTC, except -5 hours UTC from the second Sunday of March until the first Sunday of November). Join us early for a brief time of praise and prayer before the service at 9:45 a.m. Sundays.
To attend on Zoom, use this link: live-stream worship service.
To attend by telephone, dial (312) 626-6799;
use meeting ID: 997 5209 6480 and passcode: Passcode: 776173
Online Zoom services include optional automated closed captions and real-time language translation.
Recordings from previous weeks are available on our YouTube channel.
Adult Sunday school, Sundays, 8:45 a.m., Education Building.
Praise and prayer before the morning service, Sundays, 9:45 a.m., sanctuary).
Coffee hour, second and fourth Sunday following morning service.
Small Group, every other Wednesday, 5 p.m., Education Building.
Ladies Group, Tuesdays, 1 p.m., Education Building.
Choir Rehearsal, Thursdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Sanctuary.
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month during the morning service.
For information about other churches and organizations using our facilities please contact those churches and organizations directly.
North Northfield's pastor is the Rev. Dr. Min Hyuk Woo, who comes to us from Vision United Methodist Church in Mundelein, Ill.
He has also served as pastor at Zion United Methodist Church in Appleton, Wis., and at Yangmoon United Methodist Church in Barrington, lll. He also previously served as Associate Pastor at Troy Korean United Methodist Church in Michigan.
Rev. Woo, who received his Doctorate of Leadership from Midwest University in Missouri, finished the Ph. D. coursework in the area of the New Testament and holds a Master of Divinity from Drew University in New Jersey.
Rev. Woo and his wife, Youngmi, have two sons, Samuel and Enoch.
J.D. Rich is a long-time member of the North Northfield family. He joined the choir right after high school and has been a member ever since.
In addition to singing in the choir, J.D. has been a member of the International gold medalist New Tradition Chorus, a men's a cappella chorus competing in the U.S. and Canada against choruses from around the world.
During his sixteen-year tenure, J.D. held a number of leadership positions within the chorus including Membership Vice President, Program Vice President, President, and most recently, Music Vice President.
When he isn't singing or directing the choir, J.D. works as a tax accountant.
Matthew Nall is a lifelong United Methodist, with family roots in the Evangelical United Brethren Church (EUB). Although primarily a pianist, Matthew has enjoyed singing tenor in the choirs at Illinois College, Western Illinois University, and First Presbyterian Church of Springfield, Illinois. Besides hymns and praise songs, Matthew has an eclectic musical taste and enjoys gospel, world music, jazz, and classical piano.
Matthew lives in Arlington Heights where he is a private piano instructor. In his free time, Matthew enjoys meeting with friends, family, and new folks - especially sharing a meal!
First things first — so what's the deal with our funny handle, you may ask? "North Northfield" was named long before Northbrook existed. The church is located near the north side of Northfield Township and is several miles from the current village of Northfield. (A township is a special form of municipal government originally intended to serve rural areas — it is different than a village, city or county.) Our name is true to our long heritage.
If you gathered from the above explanation that we got our start quite awhile ago, you would be right! In 1834, Daniel Stanger, age 25, walked almost the entire distance from eastern Pennsylvania to make his home along the Des Plaines River, just south of present-day Wheeling. Stanger's reports from the new "promised land" encouraged more German-speaking settlers to follow from the east. Bishop John Seybert, the first missionary of the young Evangelical Association, had been their spiritual leader in Pennsylvania. It was through his labors and under his guidance that the Evangelicals gained a foothold on the frontiers of the Midwest.
Bishop Seybert sent Rev. Jacob Boas to organize preaching stations in the newly settled territory. His first Illinois sermon was on July 25, 1837, in the log cabin of Daniel and Mary Stanger, located near what is now Dam No. 1 on the Des Plaines River. His July 25 sermon marked the birth of both the Illinois Conference of what would become the United Methodist Church and the North Northfield congregation.
Here are some highlights of our history (move mouse over links for more info.):
Second church building constructed, 1847
Northbrook placed a
commemorative marker
at the site of Pioneer Cemetery (where the second building was located) in 2013.
National schism, 1890; fourth church building constructed, 1893
North Northfield 185th anniversary slide show
We're still active!
For more recent information on what has been keeping us busy, please visit our Facebook
While our church has a rich history, we feel that we are as relevant today as those who came before us were in their time. In Christ, God's love claims us as family — one rooted in Christian tradition and in the open hearts, open minds, open doors of the people of the United Methodist Church, believing that God's grace and love are offered to all. Our tradition puts love into action, always mindful of the missions of doing justice and spreading God's love to a hurting world. Together, we center our lives in the hope that faith makes a difference — in and beyond our family. We dare to believe that faith can change the world.
North Northfield provides a number of opportunities to participate in the life of the congregation on an ongoing basis. Questions? Contact us at 847.272.2250 or
North Northfield's current activities
10 a.m., Sunday services
(after service), Fellowship time
8:45 a.m., Adult Sunday school (except summer)
10:30 a.m., Prayer Garden Ministries Sunday services, in Education Building
12:30 p.m., Happy Christian Church / Agape Baptist Church Korean language service
5 p.m., Small group
1 p.m., Ladies small group
7:30 p.m., Chancel Choir rehearsal (except summer)
1 p.m., "Reading is Believing" book discussion group
Lent & Easter activities
Maundy Thursday Service
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Easter Celebration
Rally Day (First Sunday after Labor Day)
Service for Blessing of Animals (next service, to be determined)
World Communion Sunday (1st Sunday in October)
Laity Sunday (3rd Sunday in October)
All Saints Day Sunday Service (1st Sunday in November)
Thanksgiving Sunday Service (Sunday before Thanksgiving)
Christmas Eve Service (Dec. 24)
North Northfield hosts several independent organizations that use our facilities for their meetings and activities.
Although they are not connected with our denomination, we are pleased to host them as they serve our local community (for more information about these organizations' activities, please contact them directly). These organizations include:
Alcoholics Anonymous, Chicago Area 19, meeting no. 3-1786
meetings held Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Northbrook Chapter
meetings held Wednesday, 1 p.m.
Happy Christian Church / Agape Baptist Church
Rev. Paul J. Yoo and Rev. Young-Suk Choi, pastors
Sunday services, 12:30 p.m. (in Korean)
Prayer Garden Ministries Full Gospel Church
Lucilla Richard-Seaton, pastor
Christian education, Fridays, 6:30 p.m.; Sunday services, 10:30 a.m.
Yoga class
Education Building, Fridays, 10 to 11:15 a.m.
Thank you for your financial support!
North Northfield appreciates your continued financial support of our local congregation as you are able.
Donation options:
Mail checks payable to North Northfield U.M.C. to 797 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062 (we check the mail regularly).
Online and mobile donations may be made through Zelle
(at participating banks' websites or
apps, or on the Zelle phone app); North Northfield's Zelle identification is
If you have online banking, you may be able to arrange one-time and recurring payments on
your bank or credit union website (they typically will mail payments without additional charge).
Donations may also be left in the collection plate in the narthex on Sunday morning or dropped off at the church office.
North Northfield supports the ministries of our denomination. If you would like to contribute to these ministries, please indicate the ministry on the "memo" line of your check.
Donations may also be made online by following the links below to our denomination's website (you may credit North Northfield for the donation if desired).
For "Advance" donations to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), all of your donation will go toward the specified ministry as administrative costs are covered by other funding sources such as the "UMCOR Sunday" offering. Thank you!
COVID-19 Response Fund (Advance no. 3022612)
Domestic disaster relief (Advance no. 901670)
International disaster relief (Advance no. 982450)
"Special Sundays" -- Human Relations Day Sunday, UMCOR Sunday, Native American Ministries Sunday, Peace with Justice Sunday, World Communion Sunday and United Methodist Student Day.
"Generosity of the poor widow" by Bie and Vos. (Luke 21:1-4)
North Northfield supports the Wheeling township food pantry.
Canned and dried goods donations may be left in the cart in the entry way outside the narthex (please leave donations in original packaging as the food pantries are unable to accept opened items).
Thank you!
North Northfield United Methodist Church
797 Sanders Road
Northbrook, Illinois 60062
What's happening at North Northfield North Northfield United Methodist Church is a member of the
Northern Illinois Conference of the
United Methodist Church.